

This section is not yet finished.

Coming soon…

Weight Space

DataPoint A (at position 1.0 of Weight A)

Same DP cut in halfParticles showing DP weighting

DataPoint A*B

Same DP cut in halfParticles showing DP weighting

DataPoint A*B*C

Same DP cut in half

Particles showing DP weighting

Inbetween DataPoints in Weight Space


DataPoint at A(0.5)

Linear Interpolation

Spline Interpolation

Arc Interpolation

Flat Interpolation

Particles showing DP weighting


DataPoint at A(0.5)*B(1.0)

A(0.5)*B(1.0) with linear interpolation

Cut through the weight spaceParticles showing DP weighting

Various weighting curves with linear interpolation on weight A

Various weighting curves with spline interpolation on weight A


DataPoint at A(0.5)*B(0.5)

A(0.5)*B(0.5) with linear interpolation

Particles showing DP weighting




DataPoint at A(0.5)*B(1.0)*C(1.0)

A(0.5)*B(1.0)*C(1.0) with linear interpolation

Cut through the weight space


DataPoint at A(0.5)*B(0.5)*C(1.0)

A(0.5)*B(0.5)*C(1.0) with linear interpolation

Cut through the weight space


DataPoint at A(0.5)*B(0.5)*C(0.5)

A(0.5)*B(0.5)*C(0.5) with linear interpolation





Arc interpolation on weight A and flat on weights B and C

Particles showing DP weighting