In this section of the manual, we will take a look at all the buttons and menus of the bcs window. If you don’t know what a certain term means, you can take a look at the Glossary chapter. Most of the special terms are links to the entry in the glossary, so that you can just click it to see its description. Exceptions are dataPoint, weight, and weightPosition, as you should already know them.

This is the main UI for creating and setting up bcs nodes. You can start it by running the script DPK_bcsUI. The window is divided into four parts. From left to right, these are the weight pane, the weight list, the dataPoint list, and the dataPoint pane. Below them is the BCS Node drop-down list, a select and a close button.

Select the currently loaded BCS nodeThe currently loaded BCS nodeContains buttons for creating new dataPointsContains controls for editing and setting up falloffs for the automatic left-right separation of bilateral dataPointsConfigure the selected dataPoint(s)Shows information about the selected dataPoint(s)Shows snapshot images of dataPointsA list of dataPoints with marking menus for a fast workflowA list of weights and weightPositions with marking menus for a fast workflowContains buttons for creating new weights and weightPositionsConfigure the selected weight(s) and weightPosition(s)General settings for the BCS nodeGeneral settings for configuring the UIHere is a marking menu for quickly configuring the UI status

Click an item on the image to jump to its description.

BCS Node Drop-Down Menu

The BCS node drop-down menu contains all bcs nodes that exist in the scene. The node that is chosen in this menu will be edited in the UI and is considered the current bcs node. You can select it in the scene using the Select button.

Quickly Toggle UI Visibility

At the bottom of the UI between the Select and the Close buttons there is an area where a right-click brings up this marking menu:

Show the weight pane and the two listsShow the weight pane and listAs the name saysShow the dataPoint list and dataPoint paneShow the weight list, dataPoint list, and dataPoint paneShow just the two lists

You can use it to quickly switch the visibility of the different areas of the UI.